
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Delisse Coca tea: Effects, Legality and drug test.

Delisse Coca tea:  Legality and drug test

COCA TEA: Is Coca Tea Harmful?

  • Cocaine can be derived from the leaves of the coca plant, but the way cocaine is processed and the effects of cocaine are much stronger than the coca plant tea(delisse coca tea). The, a website devoted to giving advice to pregnant travelers, notes that the process used to make coca tea is quite different than the method used to make cocaine and that a cup of coca tea is “harmless,” though its effects may not relieve altitude sickness so much as relax the imbiber.

COCA TEA: Legality in the United States

  • Though some argue that coca tea bears no more resemblance to cocaine than poppy seeds do to heroine, coca leaf teas are illegal to bring into the United States. If you have a cup during a South American visit, leave the tea behind when you return. NPR News’s Sarah Bush notes that Bolivia’s new President, Evo Morales, is a former coca farmer who wants to legalize export uses for coca leaves, including as a soap ingredient and in teas.

COCA TEA: Drug Testing and Coca Tea

  • An article written by members of The National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute for health notes that ingesting a cup of coca tea, whether it’s from Bolivia or Peru, produces cocaine metabolites in the urine. The PregnantTraveler also notes that if you take a drug test within a few days after having coca tea, you will test positive for cocaine... read more

    coca tea legal

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