
Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Coca leaf and health

For 8000 years the coca leaf has been highly valued for its healing and stimulating properties. It is a very important source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for the Highland population of the Andes. The coca plant is one of the most nutritious plants in the world; it contains more calcium than milk and more protein than meat. It  can withstand comparison to all fruits and vegetables. Coca leaves are consumed by chewing, drinking as a tea, or  drinking as an alcoholic beverage containing coca laef extract (tonicum).

Studies by various univerisities have shown that consumption of coca leaves is not hazardous to your health, nor is it addictive; on the contrary, the leaves are a valuable source of nutrients necessary to keep your healthy. Consuming coca leaves on a regular basis protects against cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, and tooth decay.

Medicinally, the coca plant is used to treat altitude sickness, depression, obesity, high blood pressure, asthmatic bronchitis, diabetes, and stomach and colon problems. In the western world, the coca plant has  a bad reputation because of the drug cocaine; one can hardly imagine that a plant containing this drug can be benefial to consume. However, one must simply learn more  about the plant in order to understand it.

Apart from cocaine, coca leaves contain many types of alkaloids wich each have their own properties. These alkaloids work synergistically. In other words, they reinforce each other; this is why only a few grams of coca leaves can already produce effects.

By consuming 2 g of coca leaves with an alkaloid content of 1.25% you get about 25 mg (0.025 g) of alkaloids such as cocaine, ecgonine, hygrine, etc. This quanntity is enough for pleasant sensations; you will feel bright, stimulated, and relaxed for about 4 hours. Other than alkaloids, coca leaves contain protein, vitamins, and minerals. They are also rich in flavonoids, or polyphenol antioxidants wich support energy processes in the body and help defend it against disease. You will be stimulated in a mild and pleasant way without damaging your halth.

Cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride) is a chemical derivate of the coca plant wich is extensively chemically treated and lacks any comparison with the healthy coca leaf.

Nutritional value of coca leaves (100 g) 

Proteins: 19.9 g…………………………………….. B1: 0.8 mg

Phosphorous: 405 mg………………………….. B3: 1.7 mg

Potassium: 1110 mg……………………………. B6: 0.8 mg

Calcium: 2191 mg………………………………... E:53 mg

H (Biotin): 0.5 mg…………………………………. C: 2 mg

Magnesium: 911 mg…………………………….. Iron: 36 mg

Zinc: 4 mg…………………………………….. Boron: 24 mg

Nicotinic acid (Niacin): …………………………. 5 mg

Vitamin A as Beta-Carotene: ………………… 16.6 mg