
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coca Leaves: Effects of Consumption

Coca Leaves: Effects of Consumption

Almost immediate relief from pains in muscles/joints. 
Increased endurance in visible form. 
Fixes serious problems of malnutrition and / or assimilation, particularly of vitamin B-12, anemia and calcium.
- Strengthens and regenerates in a relatively short time, the bones and other bony parts of the body. 
- Start cleaning the urinary tract, allowing for quick evacuation of at least a percentage of retained urine. 
- Improves mood and lust for life. 
Thanks to its fiber makes the intestines work better. Improves general digestionl. 
- Regulates blood pressure. 
- Helps clean fatty liver. 
- Combats stress. 
- Increasing cellular oxygenation capacity, it improves extreme physical performance and gives clarity in intellectual work. 
- Overcoming the effects of high altitude sickness.
- Reported cases, strengthening hair and nail growth, and helps with the disappearance of blemishes and spots of old age. Also diminishing the appearance of gray hair in black roots. buy it now in

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