It is the tea like infusion made from crushed coca leaves in teabags. For therapeutical use, it is better to use the tea bags, because the industrial homogenized filters are heavier (they contain approximately 1 gram of natural ground coca leaves and 5 mg cocaine per tea bag). Mate de coca should be infused in a cup of (200 ml) hot water for 3 minutes. During the infusion 4 mg of cocaine gets extracted, of which 20% (0.8 mg) and 30º% (1.2 mg) are absorbed by the intestines. If one wishes to free more cocaine from crushed leaves, the tea should be infused in 10 minutes. This way one can obtain more than 90% (> 4.5 mg) of the natural alkaloid cocaine from the leaves. The toxicological analysis of a tea cup prepared with a teabag results in a tiny amount (> 300 nanograms per milliliter [ng/mL] of benzoilecgonin metabolite (benzoilecgonin in urine). Several physiological and psychometrical studies show normal reactions in people that drink 100 mg (or more) cocaine per day (20 tea bags or more per day)
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