
Thursday, April 8, 2021


List of Alkaloids contained in coca leaves and their qualities

The consumption of coca leaves does not stimulate the use of cocaine. It might sound paradoxical, but heavy cocaine users have benefited from chewing the coca leaves; it takes away the chaving for cocaine and helps to reduce or even stop cocaine use.

If coca leaves are available, most people prefer chewing the plant rather than using cocaine. Only a small percentage of coca chewers use cocaine.

Cocaine: Stimulating, euphoric, painkiller

Ecgonine: Increase stamina, regulates the burning of carbohydrates and increases burning of fat

Quinoline: prevents tooth decay and strengthens the gums

Globulin: Stimulates blood circulation, remedies altitude sickness and low blood pressure

Papaine: Promotes digestion and healthy skin

Pectin: Anti-diarrheal, absorbs toxins

Reserpine: Lowers blood pressure

Benzoin: anti-ferment, promotes healthly skin, mouth and colon

Atropine: Dries salivary glands, relaxes muscle tonus

Hygrine: Stimulates salivary gland

Pyridine: Stimulates blood circulation, improves absorption of oxigen in the brain and muscles

Conine: Local anesthetic

Inulin: Improves the production of hemoglobin

Cocamine: Analgesic painkiller, blocks pain while other sensations remain intact

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