
Sunday, April 11, 2021


Growing in greenhouse

In the northen hemisphere, coca plants grow well in green houses all year round. The longer photoperiod in summer is no problem to coca plants. They will only grow faster and perhaps flower, get pollinated, and produce seeds. On very hot days, it is necessary to cover the greenhouse with a (30%) light blocking sunscreen. This will prevent the temperatures above 35° C (95°F). Young plants up to 1.5 years always need susncreen protection. Sometimes even with a sunscreen the temperatures can rise to 50°C (122°F) and air humidity can drop to 25%. It´s amazing that, with sufficient water, the adult plants keep their heads up under these conditions. But younger plants will show signs of stress under the same conditions. Spray the younger plants with cool water and they will recover.

The shorter photoperiod in the winter is not a problem. The coca plant will only grow more slowly than she does in the summertime. It is important to heat the greenhouse if the night temperature drops below 10° C (50° F). Adjust the heating to 22° C (71.6°F). An electrical heater of 2 kilowatts is sufficient for 10 mt2. Even a petroleum or gas burner can be used for heating; the C02 (greenhouse gas) benefits the growth of the coca plants. You can save a lot of energy by insulating the greenhouse with a light permeable insulating screen. Air ventilation is important in the winter time as well. If a petroleum or gas heater is used, attention to ventilation is especially necessary.

Growing outside


Growing outside

Coffe and tea plants often grow well alongside coca plants; in a mountainous región in the tropics, sufficient rainfall and milder temperaturas allow the plants to retain their delicate aroma.

The climate at this altitude is more subtropical, like that of the Mediterranean or the southern United  States; if you live in a similarly frost-free área it is very easy to grow coca plants outdoors.

You only have to dig a hole in the ground and fill it up with garden compost. Plant your coca bush and water it twice a week if there is insufficient rainfll. Place fencing around the coca plants to protect them from rabbits, goats, and deer. In the northern hemisphere the summer is the only posible time to grow coca outside, but conditions are nearly ideal at that time.

Moderate temperaturas and 18 hours of daylight allow the coca plants to thrive, and harvest of good quality is possible.

June through August is the time to place your coca plant in a sunny spot in the garden in the vicinity of a brick wall. The wall serves to absorb heat during the day and radiate it at night, warming the plant.

Place a sunscreen above the plants that are first coming into contact with sunlight. Plants that are not used to bright sunlight will burn if they are over exposed to it. They have to get used to the light gradually.

Be aware that a coca plant can drink three times as mucho on a hot day

Finally, if temperatures are under 10°C (50°F) it is safer to place them inside, despite their tolerance to low temperatures.

Thursday, April 8, 2021


List of Alkaloids contained in coca leaves and their qualities

The consumption of coca leaves does not stimulate the use of cocaine. It might sound paradoxical, but heavy cocaine users have benefited from chewing the coca leaves; it takes away the chaving for cocaine and helps to reduce or even stop cocaine use.

If coca leaves are available, most people prefer chewing the plant rather than using cocaine. Only a small percentage of coca chewers use cocaine.

Cocaine: Stimulating, euphoric, painkiller

Ecgonine: Increase stamina, regulates the burning of carbohydrates and increases burning of fat

Quinoline: prevents tooth decay and strengthens the gums

Globulin: Stimulates blood circulation, remedies altitude sickness and low blood pressure

Papaine: Promotes digestion and healthy skin

Pectin: Anti-diarrheal, absorbs toxins

Reserpine: Lowers blood pressure

Benzoin: anti-ferment, promotes healthly skin, mouth and colon

Atropine: Dries salivary glands, relaxes muscle tonus

Hygrine: Stimulates salivary gland

Pyridine: Stimulates blood circulation, improves absorption of oxigen in the brain and muscles

Conine: Local anesthetic

Inulin: Improves the production of hemoglobin

Cocamine: Analgesic painkiller, blocks pain while other sensations remain intact

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Coca leaf and health

For 8000 years the coca leaf has been highly valued for its healing and stimulating properties. It is a very important source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for the Highland population of the Andes. The coca plant is one of the most nutritious plants in the world; it contains more calcium than milk and more protein than meat. It  can withstand comparison to all fruits and vegetables. Coca leaves are consumed by chewing, drinking as a tea, or  drinking as an alcoholic beverage containing coca laef extract (tonicum).

Studies by various univerisities have shown that consumption of coca leaves is not hazardous to your health, nor is it addictive; on the contrary, the leaves are a valuable source of nutrients necessary to keep your healthy. Consuming coca leaves on a regular basis protects against cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, and tooth decay.

Medicinally, the coca plant is used to treat altitude sickness, depression, obesity, high blood pressure, asthmatic bronchitis, diabetes, and stomach and colon problems. In the western world, the coca plant has  a bad reputation because of the drug cocaine; one can hardly imagine that a plant containing this drug can be benefial to consume. However, one must simply learn more  about the plant in order to understand it.

Apart from cocaine, coca leaves contain many types of alkaloids wich each have their own properties. These alkaloids work synergistically. In other words, they reinforce each other; this is why only a few grams of coca leaves can already produce effects.

By consuming 2 g of coca leaves with an alkaloid content of 1.25% you get about 25 mg (0.025 g) of alkaloids such as cocaine, ecgonine, hygrine, etc. This quanntity is enough for pleasant sensations; you will feel bright, stimulated, and relaxed for about 4 hours. Other than alkaloids, coca leaves contain protein, vitamins, and minerals. They are also rich in flavonoids, or polyphenol antioxidants wich support energy processes in the body and help defend it against disease. You will be stimulated in a mild and pleasant way without damaging your halth.

Cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride) is a chemical derivate of the coca plant wich is extensively chemically treated and lacks any comparison with the healthy coca leaf.

Nutritional value of coca leaves (100 g) 

Proteins: 19.9 g…………………………………….. B1: 0.8 mg

Phosphorous: 405 mg………………………….. B3: 1.7 mg

Potassium: 1110 mg……………………………. B6: 0.8 mg

Calcium: 2191 mg………………………………... E:53 mg

H (Biotin): 0.5 mg…………………………………. C: 2 mg

Magnesium: 911 mg…………………………….. Iron: 36 mg

Zinc: 4 mg…………………………………….. Boron: 24 mg

Nicotinic acid (Niacin): …………………………. 5 mg

Vitamin A as Beta-Carotene: ………………… 16.6 mg

Sunday, January 17, 2021

 The Leaf Considered sacred: qoqa (Coca)

The qoqa leaf has over three thousand years of history we can trace back thanks to archaelogy. In burials of those days, bundles of them have been found, to accompany the dead on their trip to the order world. The importance of these leaves reaches our time, as they are used in multiple functions, in the Andean people´s social life, up to this day. For example, farmers always carry some in a chuspa (Woollen woven purse of several colours) hanging from their shoulder, and when they meet, they interchange chuspas, each one helping himself from the other person´s chuspa. Both will search for three of the most complete and nicest entire leaves. Holding them in both hands, the blow over the K´intu wich is the name given to this trio, and salute the mountains where the guardian spirits live (called Apu in Cusco, and Wamani in Ayacucho), and then, they enter in communion, saying Hallpasunshis, wich is equivalent to "Cheers", in a courteous way.